Established in 2018, the Windsor-Essex Pony Club is a Canadian Pony Club branch with members of all ages, riding abilities, and disciplines (both English and Western).
Our members...
do not need to lease or own their own pony or horse
attend education sessions to learn different types of horse knowledge (e.g., vet care, feeding, grooming, tack, etc.)
go on fun field trips, such as visiting Finch Farm Gypsies and Wismer Clydesdales
try new horse activities such as driving, extreme cowboy, mounted games, working equitation, trick training, etc.
compete against other pony clubs in the Western Ontario Region at Quiz, Show Jumping, Tetrathlon, Dressage, and Rally.
earn badges by completing fun projects on their own or with other members through education sessions
develop their riding and stable management knowledge through a nationally and internationally recognized equestrian education and testing program
No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle
Winston Churchill