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Activities & Events

Pony Club has a comprehensive program of education, testing of horse knowledge and riding skills through regularly scheduled education sessions and independent study

Testing Levels

Testing measures stable management and riding skills learned through an internationally-recognized education program


Required textbooks, recommended books, and supplies for members


Members earn badges for testing, regional events, and activities that they work on at education sessions, on their own, or with other members.

Testing Levels


​​New members are considered "E" level members. Testing begins at the "D" level, where members can demonstrate basic knowledge about their pony or horse. D's ride at the walk and trot inside an arena and go over ground poles. Through taking written tests and riding tests, members continue up the levels. By "A" level, or test #9, candidates are capable of managing a barn, instructing riders, and training green horses.


Please note, moving up a level can take from one year to several years. Members MUST have attended 60% of education sessions to qualify for testing. Ridden test applications require approval from the member's riding instructor or coach, and you need access to a pony or horse capable of performing at the testing level.  Details can be found on the Canadian Pony Club Website


Members at D to D2 levels have two required books:

  1. The United States Manual of Horsemanship: Basics for Beginners

  2. British Manual of Horsemanship​


Members are also required to wear a medical arm band at Testing and other Pony Club events. Around horses, members should wear appropriate footwear, such as paddock boots, and when mounted, members must wear shoes with a heel and an approved riding helmet.


The books and medical armband are available from the Canadian Pony Club Store.
They may be in stock or available to order at the local Greenhawk (located at 7300 Howard Avenue South, Oldcastle) as well as at online sites like Amazon.​​



Badge Program

Members of any level can participate in this program.  There are over 50 badges, which the member may earn by creating a project, demonstrating special skills or by making a presentation to the rest of the Branch members.  This is strictly a non-competitive activity and badges may be earned as a small group or as an individual.


It is the responsibility of the rider to bring forward the signed badge sheets to demonstrate their achievement. 


Beginner Badge Sign-off Sheets

Senior Badge Sign-off Sheets


In addition to branch education sessions, field trips, clinics, and other events, our members look forward to participating in pony club events in the Western Ontario Region and beyond!​​


Quiz - is the only non-riding competitive event at Pony Club, and is a test of knowledge at the E, D, C, and AB levels.  Quiz is held at the Regional, National and International levels. Members MUST have attended 60% of education sessions to attend.


Tetrathlon - a four phase competition includes running, swimming, shooting (air pistols at targets) & riding.


Show Jumping - A horse & rider going over a course of knock down jumps with accuracy and speed.  Beginning division at 18” Cross Rails.  


Dressage - is the ‘ballet’ of the horse world, with horse exercising a series of prescribed movements with precision and grace. (No jumping involved).


Rally - is similar to Horse Trials or 3 Day Eventing, with an individual rider and horse completing three phases: Dressage, Cross Country and Stadium (like Show Jumping, above).   Additionally, there is a team competition, where each team has a captain and grooms for the rider and horse pairs, and are also scored on their stable management skills.  D-Rally is for D level riders (A/B/C Rally for those levels).  Riders may get help from other members with grooming etc., but parents and coaches are not permitted other than for items like holding horses etc., which have no direct bearing on the competition.  Team horsemanship awards will be given. Non-riding volunteer members are encouraged to attend as part of the team.


Prince Philip Games (PPG)  - is a program of teams of riders doing relay-type games on horseback. PPG is for riders up to 15 years old, but there are also Masters Games for PPG graduates.


LeTrec - is as a form of orienteering on horseback and involves knowledge of terrain, and an understanding of map reading. LeTrec is designed to test a horse/rider combination through a whole range of activities, combining elements of trail riding with horsemanship skills and flatwork. Riders must be D level or higher and be able to ride independently.





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